Gallbladder stones, polyps and other diseases caused by these stones and polyps are treated by surgical procedure which is called ‘cholecystectomy’. The procedure is performed in an open or closed manner under general anesthesia for complete removal of gallbladder.
Laparoscopic procedure is ‘the gold standard’ in gallbladder surgery today since it is more advantageous compared to open surgery. This procedure is performed with video assistance, through four small holes created on the abdominal wall and the entire gallbladder is removed. Thus, gallstones, gallbladder infections, gallbladder polyps and pancreatic infections can be treated safely by this procedure.
Risks of Gallbladder Surgery
Just like in all other surgeries, there are certain risks associated with gallbladder surgery. Additionally, untreated gallbladder may lead to much more serious complications, even to death. To this extent, risks of gallbladder surgery can be considered as less severe than possible consequences of widespread intra-abdominal infections or gallbladder cancer due to untreated gallbladder diseases. Rarely, trocar penetration sites may get infected, in addition, vascular or ductal injuries of bile and liver system as well as clotting can be seen. Today, gallbladder surgery complications and mortality is very low thanks to cholecystectomy procedure performed using modern techniques.
How long does gallbladder surgery take?
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a short surgery. Average intraoperative time is 45 minutes, yet it may take longer depending on the patient’s age and weight. Furthermore, it may take over 1 hour for conventional open surgeries or if the case is delayed.
After Gall Bladder Surgery
Patients completely wipe off the general anesthesia effects within approximately 5-6 hours of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and can resume daily activities after 1-2 days of rest. Pain may be there for the first few days after laparoscopic surgeries which offer shorter recovery period. Pain under right rib is common after gall bladder surgery but it will fade in few weeks. Additionally, laparoscopic surgeries correspond to approximately 95% of gallbladder surgeries, and are remarkably less painful compared to open surgeries with large incisions. You may have to take pain killers prescribed by your physician for post-operative period.
One of the cons of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is that invisible or completely hidden scar on the abdominal area. Minor scars can be left after operations involving four holes and belly button, while no scar is left if the procedure is performed through belly button only.
Following proper diet after gallbladder surgery is another important thing. Patients can consume liquid or soft food few hours after the surgery, and may eat normal food on the next day. Patients who had cholecystectomy should follow a specific diet such as avoiding fat-rich food or carbonated drinks that cause indigestion; they should prefer high fiber food, drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and refrain from too much chocolate and egg yolk. No significant change in daily life is recommended for patients after gallbladder surgery; however, they are advised to watch their weight, and increase their physical activities.