Breast cancer can be diagnosed at the early stages. Changes of cure is high for patients who had early diagnosis. Self examination annual mammographical screening starts at the age of forty (40) , and periodical follow up by the breast surgeon are essential to increase the chances of early diagnosis.
Breast Cysts Breast cysts are fluid-filled, usually noncancerous sacs inside the breast. There may be one or multiple breast cysts in one or both breasts. Breast cysts usually generate from milk glands, and are most common in women between the ages of 35-50. Cysts are felt as fluid-filled tiny sacs during monthly breast examination. Most
The exact cause of breast cancer is yet unknown. However, it is found to be associated with certain factors. Some of those risk factors can be controlled by the patient, while some are beyond control. Known causes Long and excessive exposure to estrogen hormone such as menstruation periods starting at early ages, ending at late
Breast Lump The first and important sign of breast cancer in approximately 70% of the patients is presence of a lump. It is mostly felt on the upper outer quadrant of the breast by physical examination, borders of the lump generally cannot be identified well, and may have a rough or ragged surface. 90% of
Breast Cancer Treatment Breast cancer treatment methods and procedures vary in a wide range and are personalized depending on the stage of disease, biological subtypes of the tumor and overall health status of the patient. Breast cancer treatment is managed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a specialized breast surgeon, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, breast
Early breast cancer (EBC) refers to the condition in which breast cancer has not progressed to regional lymph nodes or only progressed towards armpit without distant metastasis. Today, surgical treatment procedures for EBC are less invasive and mostly local, providing a better aesthetic appearance with safe oncologic results. Mastectomy is resection of entire breast together with