Frequently Asked Questions
I-About breast:
- Breast Cancer
What is breast cancer?
Uncontrolled growth of main cell groups that form mammary glands, mammary ducts or surrounding tissues, and their progression towards peripheral tissues is called breast cancer. Breast cancer that is not diagnosed early may spread to entire body.Why does breast cancer occur?
The exact reason of breast cancer is unknown. However, it is found to be linked with some factors. Some of these risk factors can be controlled by the patient while others cannot be controlled. MoreWhat is the life expectancy for breast cancer?
Life expectancy depends on biological sub-type of the breast cancer, patient’s age, extent of tumor invasion at the time of diagnosis. Excessively aggressive sub-types may tend to relapse even after complete treatment, while relapse is rare in non-aggressive types. Normal and even a long life expectancy is possible in early diagnosed breast cancers which have not spread to peripheral tissues or lymph nodes, while a life expectancy of maximum few years can be anticipated for late cancer that has already progressed towards peripheral tissues.I have breast cancer history in my family. Will I have cancer, too?
If there is breast cancer in your family, then you are in the risk group. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will definitely get cancer. You will just have higher risk for breast cancer compared to those who don’t have positive family history. Therefore, you should periodically visit a breast surgeon for follow- ups.I have a lump in my breast. Do I have cancer?
Not all breast lumps are cancer. Most of them are benign breast lumps. Biopsy is performed to see whether it is cancer or not.What is biopsy?
Removal of a small sample from the breast (or any tissue) in a sterile environment for pathological analysis (mostly using imaging technology) is called biopsy, and is usually performed under local anesthesia.Does biopsy accelerate progression of breast cancer?
Certainly not.How do I identify breast cancer?
Breast cancer can often be identified by presence of breast lump in different sizes that can be felt by self-examination, retraction of nipple, redness or swelling on breast skin, a lump in the armpit, stubborn flaking on areola (dark circular center of the breast), itching, changes in color, red discharge from the nipple; however it may also show no sign, and can be incidentally identified in mammogram and ultrasound scans.Is mammogram dangerous? Do I have to get it done?
Mammogram scan performed on annual basis beginning at age of 40 has no harm, and it is recognized by the cancer associations as the best screening method, and strongly recommended for women at or over the age of 40 for early diagnosis of breast cancer.I have no symptoms. Should I get breast examination anyway?
Even if you don’t have any symptoms, we recommend getting a screening mammogram annually for early diagnosis if you are at or over the age of 40. If you have breast cancer history among the close family members (mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, etc.), your doctor may recommend scanning at earlier ages.Does breast cancer occur during pregnancy?
Yes. The breast tissue which is enlarged due to the hormones of pregnancy may even conceal the cancerous lump. In case of doubt, visit your doctor immediately.How is breast cancer treated?
Treatment modalities are various and selected according to the type, location and stage of the breast cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and radiotherapy are classical treatment modalities which strongly contribute to disease free survival.Can breast cancer be treated without surgery?
It is not possible yet, but possibility of treatment without surgery (only with chemotherapy) is still under research.How much of the breast is removed in breast cancer?
Depending on the size of the cancer and area of progression, entire breast can be removed along with the cancerous tissue or removal of small amount of tissue can be sufficient.What is oncoplastic surgery?
Onco: means related with tumor, plasty: means reconstruction, reshaping. Oncoplastic surgery means reconstruction, re-shaping similar to original form in the area where cancerous tissue is removed.Will I get the same previous appearance after oncoplastic surgery?
Oncoplastic surgery, as the name implies, is a cancer surgery, therefore the primary objective is removal of all cancerous tissues. Reconstruction is the secondary objective. Ultimate goal of this type of procedure is to provide the patient with an appearance as close as possible to the natural form by filling the cavities resulting from removal of cancerous tissues, using patient’s own tissues or high technology synthetic implants. It is possible to achieve an appearance close to the former looks, if not completely the same.What is mastectomy?
Mastectomy is the procedure for removal of entire breast gland together with or without the overlying skin tissue.What is chemotheraphy process like?
Chemotherapy is a process that requires patience and dedication during the period and circumstances that is anticipated by your oncologist, in which the treatment is carried out by appropriate oncological drugs (chemotherapeutic). Hair, eyebrows and even eyelashes can be lost depending on the medication used for treatment. However, they will grow back after the treatment. The terms of treatment and the drugs to be administered are identified based on biological sub-type of the disease, your age and tumor stage.Can breast cancer be treated without chemotherapy?
Certain tumor sub-types and cancers in very early stages can be treated without chemotherapy. Your oncologist will make the final decision.Is there a treatment modality which does not cause hair loss?
Certain drug groups do not cause hair loss. However, these drugs are used for very limited number of biological sub-types.What is the use of hormonal treatment?
Tumors having hormone receptors are susceptible to estrogen and/or progesterone (ER/PR) hormones, and these hormones accelerate tumor growth. The substance used in the treatment is called Tamoxifen (or similar) which mimics the actual estrogen and progesterone (analog) in the body and binds to tumor. This substance competes with actual hormones in the body, and blocks feeding source of tumors.What is chemotherapy port?
Chemotherapy port is an injection apparatus to facilitate easy administration of the chemotherapy drug, with an access to the large vein in the neck, placed under the skin on chest wall via small surgical procedure. This apparatus is removed upon completion of chemotherapy sessions by the surgeon again under local or general anesthesia.Why are genetic tests so important for breast cancer?
Genetic tests reveal genetic susceptibility to breast cancer if there is family history. Genetic tests that are performed for patients who are diagnosed for breast cancer, are important in terms of identifying the proper treatment method.When to get genetic tests?
Genetic tests are recommended in variety of circumstances. In case of a breast cancer history in at least two people in the family or in three consecutive generations, diagnosis of breast cancer in family members before menopause (early age), synchronous presence of breast and ovarian cancers in the same patient, breast cancer in male family members, genetic tests are recommended.What is radiotherapy? Why is it performed?
It is a treatment procedure performed during or after breast cancer surgery in certain cases by administering ionized radiation to specific area on the body using a special device at dedicated healthcare centers. The procedure locally eliminates cancer cells, preventing relapses in most cases.Is radiotherapy performed to all breast cancer patients?
It is not performed to all breast cancer patients. It may be recommended depending on tumor size, localization and the type of breast surgery to be performed.What is lymphedema, why does it occur?
Depending on the breast tumor and certain surgical techniques used for breast cancer, lymphatic fluid may not be delivered to systemic blood circulation due to clogging in lymph circulation in the armpit, resulting in swelling of the effected hand and arm (lymph fluid accumulation). This condition is referred as lymphedema.Is lymphedema treatable?
Once lymphedema develops, it is very difficult to overcome. Lymphedema can be treated to certain degree via physiotherapy in early stages, and microsurgery techniques in advanced stages. It is the best if it doesn’t occur at all.What to do in post-treatment period of breast cancer?
You should visit breast surgeon and medical oncologist on quarterly basis in the first year after completion of cancer treatment, biannually from the second year till the fifth and, yearly then on if no problems were identified in your scans. Do not neglect your annual mammogram and ultrasound scans, and MRI if required. Your oncologist may require further examinations when needed. - Non-cancerous breast diseases
What is breast fibroadenoma?
It is a benign breast tumor with solid consistency, and is common among women at any age from the beginning of adolescence until menopause (often between the ages of 20-35). Removal of the lumps that are bigger than 2,5-3 cm in size is recommended.What is breast cyst?
They are mostly benign breast tumors consisted of fluid-filled sacs, and is common among women in any age from the beginning of adolescence until menopause (often between the ages of 20-35). The cyst can be removed if causing excessive pain or if it is in the complex cyst cathegory.Why does nipple discharge occur?
Causes of nipple discharge are examined in a wide profile. They are mostly experienced due to breast cysts and breast inflammation. Nipple discharge may rarely indicate breast cancer. You must see your breast surgeon for diagnosis.What is accessory breast?
These are additional breast tissues that are mostly present in both armpit areas and rarely underneath the breast, becoming more visible during pregnancy, labor and nursing which may cause pain and even involve a nipple-areole complex. We have several primitive breast cells along the tract called milk line, extending from groins to armpits. In case the cells on this milk line do not regress as expected before the birth while still in womb due to certain reasons, this additional breast tissue called “accessory breast” develops.What causes inflammation of breast (mastitis)?
Breast inflammation is caused by bacteria or fungus. It mostly occurs during nursing. Microorganisms which exist at nipple may grow inside the breast through mammary ducts and cause wide spread breast inflammation. It may progress into severe sepsis (systemic infection) if left untreated. Main reasons of mastitis which may also occur in non-nursing women, are breast cysts, autoimmune diseases (granulomatous mastitis), trauma and breast cancer. Regardless of the underlying reason, mastitis requires immediate treatment with suitable antibiotics.What is breast abscess?
It is the condition of pus accumulating at single point in the breast. It causes severe pain. The abscess must be surgically drained, and should be treated with suitable antimicrobial medication.I have breast cysts. How often should I get checked?
Only few of breast lumps are cancer. You should visit a breast surgeon as soon as you feel the lump. After the screening test suitable for your age, you should visit your doctor at least on annual basis. Intervals can be reduced to bi-annually depending on the condition of the lump.
II-About thyroid and parathyroid:
- Thyroid cancer
How to recognize thyroid cancer?
Thyroid cancer can be felts as a small lump on the neck or may show symptoms such as persistent hoarseness and/or swallowing difficulty. It may also be incidentally identified in thyroid ultrasound scan during health check.What are the causes of thyroid cancer?
Although exact cause of thyroid cancer is unknown, certain types may occur by genetic mutations. Diet poor in iodine and high exposure to radiation may trigger the disease.How is the thyroid cancer treatment process?
As soon as thyroid cancer is diagnosed, tumor size, localization and lymph node involvement are checked, and thyroid gland alone is removed in full (thyroidectomy) or together with lymphatic glands. Radioactive iodine treatment can be prescribed 4-6 weeks after surgery depending on the subtype of cancer.Does thyroid biopsy cause progression of cancer?
Absolutely not.Is the thyroid cancer surgery a risky procedure?
Just like in all surgical procedures, there are some risks associated with thyroid cancer surgery. However, those risks do not mean that we should avoid surgery. In the hands of an experienced and specialized surgeon, those risks are minimized. Temporary post-operative issues such as hoarseness and difficulty of swallowing are minimized today.What is radioactive iodine? How does it work?
Radioactive iodine is the radioactive form of iodine, and irradiates. Thyroid cells and most thyroid cancers absorb and concentrate iodine. Radioactive iodine effectively eliminates normal or cancerous tissue remaining after thyroidectomy. Radioactive iodine treatment is administered particularly to ensure no cancerous thyroid cells remain after surgery, thus preventing relapses. - Non-cancerous thyroid diseases
Why does thyroid nodule develop?
The most well-known primary cause of thyroid nodules is iodine deficiency. In case of iodine deficiency, multiple nodules can form simultaneously, causing thyroid enlargement (goiter). This condition is referred as nodular goiter or multi-nodular goiter.What is toxic goiter?
Enlargement of thyroid gland for any reason is referred as “goiter”. TSH levels can help diagnosis of non-symptomatic disease. Cancer risk, enlargement of the thyroid towards rib cage, findings of pressure on trachea and alimentary tract; and also cosmetic concerns may necessitate surgery (thyroidectomy).Is surgery required for goiter disease?
Enlargement of thyroid gland for any reason is referred as “goiter”. TSH levels can help diagnosis of non-symptomatic disease. Cancer risk, enlargement of the thyroid towards rib cage, findings of pressure on trachea and alimentary tract; and also cosmetic concerns may necessitate surgery (thyroidectomy).What is Hashimoto disease?
Hashimoto disease occurs as a result of our own immune system attacking the thyroid gland located in the neck. This condition results in inflammation of thyroid gland and lack of thyroid hormone secretion in the long term (hypothyroidism). Temporarily released hormone in early stages of Hashimoto thyroiditis due to damaging of follicles by auto-antibodies developed against follicles may cause a hyperthyroidism profile.What is hypothyroidism?
It is the symptoms developing due to less than normal thyroid hormone release by thyroid gland. Primary symptoms are exhaustion, sleepiness, slow heartbeat (bradycardia), sudden weight gain, hair loss, hair roughness, cold intolerance, dry skin and constipation due to slowed motility of digestive system.What is hyperthyroidism?
It is the symptoms developing due to excessive hormone secretion by thyroid gland. Common symptoms are tremor in hands and body, increased heartbeat (tachycardia) and arrhythmia, sudden weight loss, hair loss, sense of fullness in the throat, increased appetite, increased water consumption, excessive sweating, heat intolerance, fatigue, nervousness. Some patients may experience nausea, diarrhea and frequent bowel movement. - Parathyroid diseases
How is parathyroid different than thyroid?
Parathyroid glands are endocrinal glands that secretes hormone just like thyroid glands, sizing slightly bigger than a rice grain, and there are four parathyroid glands in our body, located on right, left, top and bottom poles of thyroid gland. They secrete a completely different hormone than thyroid, called parathormone-PTH, which regulates calcium-phosphorus balance.What is the significance of parathyroid?
Parathyroid glands produce and secrete parathormone-PTH, which regulates calcium-phosphorus balance, and they are vital.What is the procedure for parathyroid cancer?
Parathyroid cancer is rare, and cancerous parathyroid is removed together with the thyroid lobe on the same side via surgical procedure. Benefit of chemotherapy in this disease is limited.What is parathyroid adenoma?
It is the condition in which one or more parathyroid glands enlarge more than its normal size, and over-function. In this case, excess amount of parathormone (PTH) is released, leading to excessively high blood calcium levels. The only treatment is surgical procedure.
III-About laparoscopic surgery:
What is laparoscopic surgery? When is it performed?
Laparoscopic surgery is the procedure in which a thin telescope fitted with a camera is penetrated inside the abdomen through mostly belly button, and the surgery is performed by inserting devices in 0.5 or 1 cm width at different locations on the abdomen. The procedure is also referred as ‘closed surgery’, enabling surgery inside abdomen at any level of difficulty.
- Laparoscopic hernia repair surgeries
What is hernia repair surgeries?
Protrusion caused by internal organs protruding through a natural opening or weakened point on abdominal wall is called ‘hernia’. All abdominal wall hernias are either congenital or protrude from a weak spot that develops subsequently. Heavy lifting that cause a sudden increase of pressure in the abdomen, chronic constipation and straining are some of the reasons that contribute to emerging of an existing hernia. Repeating pregnancies, multiple pregnancies (twin, triplet, etc.), obesity, and also few of abdominal tumors may cause hernias due to increased intraabdominal pressure.What is inguinal (groin) hernia?
Testicles use a channel inside the abdomen as they descend down to the sacs called ‘scrotum’. Bowels progress towards this sac together with the abdominal membrane called peritoneum, if this channel is weak or loose, thus causing inguinal hernia. This type of hernia is more common among men, and rarely occurs in women.What is umbilical hernia?
It is the condition in which abdominal fat or bowels bulge through the opening on or near belly button due to various causes. The primary cause of this condition is loosening of belly button due to excess weight, severe coughing, fluid accumulation inside the abdomen and frequent pregnancies.What is incisional hernia?
It is the hernia that develops at the incision sites of previous laparoscopic or open abdominal surgeries done due to various causes.How is hernia diagnosed?
Hernia can be readily diagnosed by physical examination in most cases. Patient easily identifies the hernia bulge and reports to doctor. In rare circumstances where hernia diagnosis cannot be clearly verified by physical examination, ultrasound scanning of the suspected region or even further diagnostic methods such as computerized tomography (CT) can be considered.What are the damages of hernia?
Due to hernia, interior abdominal tissues, in particular, intestines and abdominal fat tissues move below the skin. At some point, these organs become captured inside hernia sac, clog and cannot return back into abdomen. This condition is referred as strangled hernia. Blood circulation to the organs inside the hernia sac becomes hindered, or even blocked. This results in necrosis of the organs inside the hernia. This is a highly life-threatening condition requiring immediate surgical intervention.Is there an emergency for hernia?
Due to hernia, interior abdominal tissues, in particular, intestines and abdominal fat tissues move below the skin. At some point, these organs become captured inside hernia sac, clog and cannot return back into abdomen. This condition is referred as strangled hernia. Blood circulation to the organs inside the hernia sac becomes hindered, or even blocked. This results in necrosis of the organs inside the hernia. This is a highly life-threatening condition requiring immediate surgical intervention.I have inguinal hernia for many years, do I have to get operated?
Once hernia is diagnosed, there is no possible treatment other than surgical repair. You are recommended to get surgery performed as soon as possible to prevent any possible emergencies (intestinal obstruction, strangled hernia).Is umbilical hernia less significant than inguinal hernia?
They have equal significance since emergency consequences are the same for both hernias.Is laparoscopic (closed) surgery better than open surgery?
Since the incision for laparoscopic surgery is very small, negative consequences such as postoperative pain and infection are very rare compared to open surgeries, and patients can get back to work sooner. Additionally, camera has magnification power more than 20 times in laparoscopic surgeries, therefore it provides a superior comfort for the surgeon compared to open surgeries.Is the mesh used for hernia surgeries harmful?
The mesh used to repair weak tissues in both laparoscopic and open hernia surgeries is an industrially manufactured, sterilized synthetic material, therefore human tissues do not react to such materials other than in rare cases (allergic patients), and can remain in the body safely for several years.What kind of material is the mesh implanted in hernia surgery?
The mesh is an industrially manufactured, sterilized synthetic material. In other words, it is an implant made of inorganic materials (prosthetic material). Majority of the polymer meshes can be classified as plastic. Common mesh materials are; Polyester, Polypropylene, ePTFE and PVDF. From chemical perspective, they all are based on a carbon backbone. It is completely histocompatible.Does hernia repeat after hernia surgery?
Hernia may rarely repeat after surgery. This condition depends on certain reasons. These are namely postoperative weight gain, mesh relocation due to rigorous exercise soon after surgery, infection in surgical site for any reason, incompatibility of mesh material, insufficient or inappropriate surgical technique. - Laparoscopic emergency abdominal surgeries
- Gall bladder issues
Who needs laparoscopic gallbladder surgery?
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery (cholecysectomy) is mostly performed to individuals with gallstones and gallbladder infection.Is gall bladder surgery an emergency condition?
It is an emergency condition in cases of an infection caused by gallstone (acute cholecystitis), abdominal infections due to gall bladder perforation or gall bladder cancer.What are the risks associated with laparoscopic gall bladder surgery?
Risks of laparoscopic and open gall bladder surgeries are similar. Those are mainly damage to bile duct, bleeding, and damage to peripheral organs. However, those risks are minimized in experienced hands.Why does gallstone occur?
Gallstones occur due to hardening of the bile which helps digestion, resulting from excessive cholesterol content, and ultimately causing deposits. Inability to complete discharge due to insufficient functioning of gallbladder may also cause this condition.What are the symptoms of gallstones?
Gallstones can be asymptomatic for a long term and incidentally identified by ultrasound scan or may cause symptoms such as pain in upper abdomen, nausea, indigestion after consuming fat-rich food, bloating and gas. It may also cause jaundice and even pancreatic inflammation (acute pancreatitis) due to gallstones moving from gall bladder to bile duct, resulting in obstruction.Can gallstones be treated without surgery?
No.I have gallstones in my gall bladder for many years. Do I have to get operated?
Absolute treatment for gallstone is surgery. If gallstones fall into bile duct, bile flow can be obstructed and may cause jaundice. Shall that be the case, surgical procedure will change from a simple intervention to a more complex one that involves bile ducts. Additionally, gallstones in gallbladder may lead to infection and even cancer due to mechanical trauma caused inside the gallbladder in the long run. Surgery is recommended if gallstones are present.How will I live without gall bladder after the surgery?
Gallbladder is an organ that collects and concentrates the bile, eventually releasing it into digestive system. Bile can also be directly released from liver to digestive system without aid of gallbladder. Milions of people live a normal life after gallbladder surgery.Is a special diet required after gall bladder surgery?
You are recommended to decrease fat intake after the surgery for a healthy digestion. - Conditions pertaining to appendix
What is appendicitis?
Appendicitis is inflammation of an organ called appendix a narrow extension with a blind end, located near starting point of large bowels.Can appendicitis be treated without surgery?
Once the appendicitis is diagnosed, definitive treatment is surgery. However, in some very rare cases where appendicitis is diagnosed in the earliest stages, immediate antibiotic treatment may be preferred.What is the difference between laparoscopic and open appendicitis surgeries?
Today, laparoscopic surgery is the gold standard. It is the first choice in the treatment of appendicitis because it is both comfortable for the surgeon and enables quick recovery of the patient.Can there be tumor in appendix?
Yes. Diagnosis is often carried after histopathological analysis of the appendix removed by surgical procedure. Additionally, appendiceal tumor may be apparent as a palpable lump in the abdomen in very rare cases. - Perforations (organ ruptures)
What is stomach perforation? How does it occur?
It is the condition of a perforation in stomach for any reason. Main causes are stomach ulcer and stomach cancer. Rarely, swallowed sharp or pointy objects, injury by sharp objects, fire gun injuries, traumas and sometimes parasites may cause stomach perforation.What is bowel perforation? How does it occur?
It is the condition of a perforation in stomach for any reason. Main causes are stomach ulcer and stomach cancer. Rarely, swallowed sharp or pointy objects, injury by sharp objects, fire gun injuries, traumas and sometimes parasites may cause stomach perforation.What is the use of laparoscopic surgery in perforations?
Laparoscopic procedure can be used to check internal abdominal emergencies and to repair perforations in case of early diagnosed stomach or intestinal perforations if peritoneal inflammation has not developed and interior adhesions have not settled. If it has been several hours after perforation and abdomen is contaminated, most surgeons prefer open surgery.
- Gall bladder issues
IV-About proctologic diseases:
What is hemorrhoid? What are the symptoms?
Hemorrhoid is the condition in which vascular network under anal mucosa as well as supporting tissues around it swell due to chronic constipation, repeated pregnancies, obesity, working in steady position or standing for extended hours or due to genetic factors, resulting in sense of itching, pain, bleeding or protrusion from the anus.
How is hemorrhoid treated?
There are 4 stages of hemorrhoid. Once diagnosed, drug treatment is administered. If desired success cannot be achieved by drugs, surgical procedure is performed.
Can laser be used for hemorrhoid treatment?
Laser hemorrhoid treatment is one of the popular procedures being used in recent years. Laser treatment is quite effective in stages 2 and 3. Postoperative pain or bleeding is minor. However, desired recovery after laser procedure is completed after approximately 3 weeks.
What is THD?
THD stands for transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization method. In this procedure, hemorrhoidal artery that supplies hemorrhoid piles is ligated and hung on anal mucosa with the assistance of Doppler ultrasound. Both mucosal sagging and hemorrhoidal vascularization are prevented to treat the condition.
Does hemorrhoid repeat after surgery?
It depends on your life style, diet, bowel habits after the surgery. Constipation must be prevented to avoid recurrence of hemorrhoid. It is recommended to adopt a high fiber diet, drinking plenty of fluids, avoid skipping meals, maintain a normal and healthy weight, exercise and ensure regular bowel movement.
What is anal fissure? What are the symptoms?
If anal fissure is newly diagnosed, pain reliever and moisturizing creams, warm Sitz bath and laxatives are used. If they don’t solve the problem, surgical procedure is performed (laser or conventional). Anal Botox applications also provide satisfactory results, but effects of Botox will diminish six months after the application.
How is anal fissure treated?
If anal fissure is newly diagnosed, pain reliever and moisturizing creams, warm Sitz bath and laxatives are used. If they don’t solve the problem, surgical procedure is performed (laser or conventional). Anal Botox applications also provide satisfactory results, but effects of Botox will diminish six months after the application.
Does anal fissure repeat after treatment?
Anal fissure recurrence depends on your life style, diet, bowel habits after the surgery. Constipation must be prevented to avoid reoccurrence of anal fissures. It is recommended to adopt a high fiber diet, drinking plenty of fluids, avoid skipping meals, maintain a normal and healthy weight, exercise and ensure regular bowel movement.
How does anal abscess occur?
There are several small glands inside the anus. Function of these glands is to secrete fluids and lubricate the stool for easy movement. Abscesses, in other words ‘pus accumulation’ may develop inside these glands due to hard stool, straining or due to obstruction. Abscess can be characterized with redness, severe pain, tenderness, sense of fullness and fever.
How is anal abscess treated?
The only treatment is surgical drainage.
What is anal fistula? What are the symptoms?
Anal fistula is a small channel that may be formed some where between the anal canal mucosa and perianal skin due to any reason. Anal fistula mostly occurs as a result of anal abscess. It may also develop due to Crohn’s disease, sexually transmitted diseases, trauma, tuberculosis and cancer. Symptoms are stain inside the underwear, continuous discharge and sense of wetness, foul odor.
How is anal fistula treated?
It is treated surgically. Laser assisted surgery also provides satisfactory results. The main objective is complete removal and drying of the fistula.
What is the use of laser in anal fistula treatment?
Fistulas in this area can be treated using laser thanks to recent technological advances.
Does anal fistula repeat after treatment?
It is difficult to ensure hygiene in anal region due to continuous stool movement. Therefore, fistula may recur after treatment.